How to Use sock puppet in a Sentence
sock puppet
The one with the parents who ponied up the big bucks to bring you to a show featuring flashlights and sock puppets?
—Jesse Green, New York Times, 16 Oct. 2019
Remember when the alien sock puppet bursts its head out of John Hurt’s chest?
—Kenneth R. Weiss, Discover Magazine, 20 Dec. 2018
The sock puppet show was averted; Kenwright came through.
—Roslyn Sulcas, New York Times, 17 Jan. 2023
Williamson’s left foot came shooting out of the bottom of the shoe, looking like an escaped sock puppet.
—Jason Gay, WSJ, 21 Feb. 2019
One had a peacock sock puppet during the Oklahoma game last month.
—Tom Green | [email protected], al, 15 Feb. 2022
There, the performer shares videos with Lamb Chop, the sock puppet who entertained generations of kids.
—Angela Andaloro, Peoplemag, 8 Feb. 2024
The name of the sock puppet account that created my article, for one: Queen-Washington.
—Wired, 11 Nov. 2019
To that end, one of Art and Culture Center’s galleries will be morphed into an arts-and-crafts room throughout the summer, where patrons can build their own sock puppets with loose fabrics and beads.
—Phillip Valys,, 7 June 2019
Daniel, who’s playing teenage Jason and his satanic sock puppet Tyrone, has been a longtime puppeteer.
—David L. Coddon, San Diego Union-Tribune, 8 Mar. 2024
The guide instructs them to each create numerous online personas, sometimes called sock puppets, that look and sound like real people.
—Richard Stengel, Time, 26 Sep. 2019
McLaughlin's motives for creating the sock puppet account are also puzzling to many.
—Jennifer Ouellette, Ars Technica, 4 Aug. 2020
Whether sock puppet accounts get taken down will depend on each platform’s individual terms of use, Lampe said.
—Ashley Nerbovig, Detroit Free Press, 3 Dec. 2021
Expect sock puppets, instruments made from toilet paper tubes, and plenty of dancing.
—Emily Matchar, Smithsonian Magazine, 30 Mar. 2020
The scale of the operation piqued his interest, so Oak set up a few sock puppet Facebook accounts and began joining groups offering free Amazon products for review.
—Simon Hill, WIRED, 2 Nov. 2022
Also at both those locations will be Lamb Chop, perhaps the most memorable — and feistiest — sock puppet of all time, who appeared on children’s television for 40 years with her ventriloquist co-star, Shari Lewis.
—New York Times, 10 Aug. 2021
Cryptocurrency’s biggest boosters would do well to remember tech’s most infamous sock puppet.
—Angela Watercutter, Wired, 11 Feb. 2022
This one really has it all: Broadway-level choreography and costumes, a sock puppet show, Harvey Korman dancing alone in an empty bowling alley, and the real-life version of that dreamy zoom-in effect on Instagram stories.
—Liz Arcury, Marie Claire, 29 Nov. 2018
This has partially been pursued by hacking opposition figures directly but also through sock puppet accounts, which pit one faction of the opposition against another.
—WIRED, 21 Mar. 2023
Occasionally, however, sloppiness—failing to delete old tweets or accidentally posting pro-regime messages on opposition sock puppet accounts—have revealed their likely affiliation with IRI intelligence.
—WIRED, 21 Mar. 2023
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'sock puppet.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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